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Legal Representation When Deciding Your Health Care Directives

If you are injured or develop a medical condition, do you have someone who will care for your needs? Would your loved ones know what health decisions are in your best interest? Could your loved ones be left making decisions for you without any guidance?

At Rehmke Andreve, PS, we can help you develop instructions for your loved ones with the use of a health care directive. A health care directive is an essential part of the estate planning process. Our experienced Fircrest, Washington, lawyers can safeguard your future.

What Is The Purpose Of A Health Care Directive?

At any age, especially as people get older, individuals can develop medical conditions or suffer personal injuries that could leave them incapacitated and unable to care for themselves. Instructing how your loved ones should care for you if you are unable to do so by yourself could be crucial to your future. A health care directive provides instructions to loved ones about your health care wishes if you cannot care for your needs.

What Are Your Medical Care Options In Washington State?

In Washington state, there are two health care directive options. Both of these give you unique opportunities. Your options include:

  • Health care directive (living will): This is a document that instructs how you wish to be treated and what needs must be met if your condition limits your ability to make decisions on your own and a medical professional deems you permanently unconscious or near death.
  • A durable power of attorney for health care: This is an arrangement with someone who is given the authority to make medical decisions on your behalf or follow the instructions and wishes outlined in your living will.

Our attorneys can discuss your health care directives, the advantages of each option and why you may want to consider a combined approach.

Contact An Experienced Estate Planning Lawyer Today

Start exploring your health care directive options today. You can schedule an initial consultation with our estate planning lawyers at Rehmke Andreve, PS, by calling our office at 253-642-4541 or using our online contact form.