Collaborative Process For Divorce Resolution
In a divorce or other family law matter, you do not have to choose between going through a long, costly trial and “just giving in” on major points. In many cases, even complex disputes can be resolved in more progressive, cooperative ways.
At Rehmke Andreve, PS, our attorney, Rachel Rolfs, has significant training and interest in two distinct methods for settling family law issues out of court – mediation and collaborative law. If you want to speak with a lawyer about the suitability of these solutions for you, give us a call today.
Settling Disputes Through Collaborative Law
In traditional litigation, the goal is to obtain the best possible agreement for family law matters – such as high-asset divorce – where husbands and wives cannot resolve the matter on their own. However, by taking a case to court, important, long-term decisions are taken out of the hands of the involved parties and given to a disinterested judge.
Rather than leaving key decisions to a judge because the parties cannot agree, collaborative law provides an orderly format of meetings and tasks directed at resolving disputes. Both parties hire their own attorneys and sign an agreement indicating they will work in good faith toward settlement. Then, working as a team, the parties may choose to bring in various professionals – such as divorce coaches, parenting professionals and financial analysts – to offer expertise.
How You Could Benefit From The No-Court Divorce Process
Collaborative law is often effective for people who are open to negotiation and compromise, but also want the counsel of an attorney representing only their interests. If either party decides to take the case to court, both attorneys must withdraw. This provides added incentive for the lawyers to make the process work.
Benefits of the collaborative law process include reduced cost, reduced emotional turmoil and reduced conflict. Further, if child custody and support matters are involved, the children benefit from their parents learning to effectively communicate and work together.
Take Action Today
To consult with Rachel Rolfs about collaborative divorce with dignity, please call 253-642-4541 or contact our office online.